新版本是2.05添加了很多支持,包括 CodeIgniter,MSSQL, PDO 等等 我之前也为 CodeIgniter 写过一次,不过只支持 MySQL
看看使用示例 其实也没什么难度,直接看源代码即可,主要是程序设计的思想很好。
Example 1 ----------------------------------------------------
// Select multiple records from the database and print them out.. $users = $db->get_results("SELECT name, email FROM users"); foreach ( $users as $user ) { // Access data using object syntax echo $user->name; echo $user->email; } Example 2 ----------------------------------------------------
// Get one row from the database and print it out.. $user = $db->get_row("SELECT name,email FROM users WHERE id = 2"); echo $user->name; echo $user->email; Example 3 ----------------------------------------------------
// Get one variable from the database and print it out.. $var = $db->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM users"); echo $var; Example 4 ----------------------------------------------------
// Insert into the database $db->query("INSERT INTO users (id, name, email) VALUES (NULL,'justin','jv@foo.com')"); Example 5 ----------------------------------------------------
// Update the database $db->query("UPDATE users SET name = 'Justin' WHERE id = 2)"); Example 6 ----------------------------------------------------
// Display last query and all associated results $db->debug(); Example 7 ----------------------------------------------------
// Display the structure and contents of any result(s) .. or any variable $results = $db->get_results("SELECT name, email FROM users"); $db->vardump($results); Example 8 ----------------------------------------------------
// Get 'one column' (based on column index) and print it out.. $names = $db->get_col("SELECT name,email FROM users",0) foreach ( $names as $name ) { echo $name; } Example 9 ----------------------------------------------------
// Same as above ‘but quicker' foreach ( $db->get_col("SELECT name,email FROM users",0) as $name ) { echo $name; } Example 10 ----------------------------------------------------
// Map out the full schema of any given database and print it out.. $db->select("my_database"); foreach ( $db->get_col("SHOW TABLES",0) as $table_name ) { $db->debug(); $db->get_results("DESC $table_name"); } $db->debug();